Babybauch - 07/2022

Familienshooting - 11/2021

Daniel - 02/2021

Steffi - 03/2020
A Shooting with Steffi in March 2020.

Stina - 10/2019
A Shooting with Stina in October 2019.

20. ADAC Fontane Rallye Neuruppin
20. ADAC Fontane Rallye Neuruppin 2019 on 27.April 2019.
An die Rallyeteilnehmer: Die gezeigten Bilder stellen nur eine kleine Auswahl an gemachten Bildern dar. Sollte Interesse an weiteren Bildern bestehen, so bitte einfach in Kontakt mit mir treten.

HochzeitsWelt Villa Schützenhof - 09/2018

15. ADMV Rallye Bad Schmiedeberg
15. ADMV Rallye Kurstadt Bad Schmiedeberg on 07/08.September 2018. Thanks to Steffen for your support as second shooter!

Demonstration Keine Gewalt gegen Einsatzkräfte 07/2018
Demonstation - Keine Gewalt gegen Einsatzkräfte - 21.07.2018

Estelle - 04/2018
A Shooting with Estelle (Estelle Nowack on Facebook) in April 2018.

Lisa - 04/2018
A Shooting with Lisa (Li I Ma on Facebook) in April 2018.

Melanie - 04/2018

Steven - 04/2018
Behind the Scences - Meetup | Steven | Photographer | https://stevenritzer.com/

Olga - 04/2018
A Shooting with Olga (Olga Lola on Facebook) in April 2018.

Isa - 03/2018
A Shooting with Isa (isarinabelle on Instagram) in March 2018.

Natalina - 03/2018
A Shooting with Natalina (miss.natalina on Instagram) in March 2018.

Shooting a menu for Advertise - 02/2018
Produktbilder für den Web- / Social Media Auftritt mit eigenen Produkten.

Gritt - 06/2017
A Shooting with Gritt in June 2017.

Freisteller Webseite - 05/2017
Freistellerbilder für den Internetauftritt www.otto-schulz.com

Niklas 05/2017
A Shooting with Niklas (Niklas Kinzel on Facebook) in May 2017

Manu - 05/2017
A Shooting with Manu (manugoerlitz on Instagram) in May 2017.

Alina - 04/2017
A shooting with Alina in April 2017.

Jasmin 04/2017
A Shooting with Jasmin in April 2017.

Jana - 03/2017
A Shooting with Jana (Jana Carolina Jale on Facebook) in March 2017.

Shooting a menu for Advertise - 02/2017
Ein Flyer sollte Werbebilder mit eigenen Produkten bekommen.

Debby - 02/2017
A Shooting with Debby (Deborah Haarmeier on Facebook) in February 2017.

nHow Music Night - 02/2017
nhow Music Night in Feburary 2017. Guests: - DADDA DİCE - Sinplus - Ben TheBeat

Anna - 02/2017
A Shooting with Anna (Anna Elisabeth on Facebook) in February 2017.

nHow - Staff Party 01/2017
nhow Staff Party in January 2017.

nHow Music Night - 01/2017
nhow Music Night in January 2017. Guests: - Dope est Dope - Lutz Rode - Ben TheBeat

Sabrina - 01/2017
A Shooting with Sabrina in January 2017

nHow Music Night - 12/2016
nhow Music Night in December 2016.
- Tim Schou
- Jeff Braun
- Kicker Dibs
- Ben TheBeat

nHow - Christmas market 12/2016
Shooting for nHow - Christmas market 2016 at nHow Hotel Belin

Larossi Clocks - Brand 11/2016
A Shoot for the brand "Larossi" in Noveber 2016. View or buy them on https://larossi-shop.com/

Assja - 11/2016
A Shooting with Assja (Assja K. Modelpage on Facebook) in November 2016

nHow Music Night - 10/2016
nhow Music Night in October 2016.
- Matt Gresham
- Raoky Music

Judy - 09/2016
A Shooting with Judy (Judy on Facebook) in September 2016

Julia Mineira - 09/2016
A Shooting with Julia (Julia Mineira) in September 2016

Melanie - 09/2016
A Shooting with Melanie (Melanie Dietze / Model on Facebook) in September 2016.

Maren - 09/2016
A Shooting with Maren (MKay - Modelpage on Facebook) in September 2016.

Viktoria - 09/2016
A Shooting with Viktoria (Modelpage Viktoria on Facebook) in September 2016.

Milena - 09/2016
A Shooting with Milena (PhotoGravity - Milena A.rt on Facebook) in September 2016.

Anna - 09/2016
A Shooting with Anna (Anna Elisabeth on Facebook) in September 2016

Izabela - 09/2016
A Shooting with Izabela (Der Lenz ist da on Facebook) in September 2016

Jule - 09/2016 (only retouch)
Model: Jule Eluj
MakeUp & Hair: PeggyPassehlMakeUpandHair
Photographer: PhotoGravity - Milena A.rt
Retouch: knips.it

11.ADMV Rallye Bad Schmiedeberg
11.ADMV Rallye Kurstadt Bad Schmiedeberg on 09/10.September 2016.

Franzi - 09/2016
A Shooting with Franzi (Zakura Modelpage on Facebook) in September 2016

nHow Music Night - 09/2016
nhow Music Night in September 2016.
- Laust Sonne
- Kensington Road
- Vincent Kahlert

Nadine - 08/2016
A Shooting with Nadine (NadineB. Model on Facebook) in August 2016

Janin - 08/2016
A Shooting in August 2016 with Janin (J.S.Model on Facebook) and knips.it

East Side Music Days at nHow Hotel Berlin - 08/2016
East Side Music Days at nHow Hotel Berlin in August 2016.
Guests in this Album:
- Lione
- I Finton
- Ducks!
- Berge
- [MOA]
- Beranger

Doreen - 08/2016
A Shooting with Doreen (Doreen - Modelpage on Facebook) in August 2016

Julia Mineira - 07/2016
A Shooting with Julia (Julia Mineira) in August 2016

Kristin - 07/2016
A Shooting with Kristin (GROSSSTADTHELDIN - Model on Facebook) in July 2016

Lea - 07/2016
A Shooting with Lea (Lea Tuvana Tutu on Facebook) in July 2016

Steffen's car - 07/2016
Steffen's car, a BMW in July 2016.

Merry - 07/2016
A Shooting with Merry (mrsmarrymeow on instagram) in July 2016

Veda - 06/2016
A Shooting with Veda (Veda Modelpage in Facebook) in July 2016.

Carmen - 06/2016
A Shooting with Carmen (Carmen Pfeiffer on Facebook) in June 2016

Chari - 06/2016
A Shooting with Chari (Charielle on Facebook) in June 2016

Neele - 06/2016
A Shooting with Nelle (Neele Jay on Facebook) in June 2016

Milena - 06/2016
A Shooting with Milena (PhotoGravity - Milena A.rt on Facebook) in June 2016.

Madeleine - 06/2016
A Shooting with Madeleine (Sixess Photography) in June 2016

Sonja - 05/2016
A Shooting with Sonja (Sunny Murphy Modelpage on Facebook) in May 2016

Doro - 04/2016
A Shooting with Doro (Doro G. - Model on Facebook) in April 2016

Romina - 04/2016
A Shooting with Romina (Romina A.- Modelpage on Facebook) in April 2016

Manu - 04/2016
A Shooting with Manu (Model.Manu on Facebook) in April 2016

A skater's life - 03/2016
Mit der Kamera im März 2016 unterwegs - Sportpotrait.

Anja&Otto - 01/2016
A Shooting with Anja, Otto & Neo in January 2016

Laura - 01/2016
A Shooting with Laura in Januar 2016

Doro - 01/2016
A Shooting with Doro (Doro G. - Model on Facebook) in Januar 2016

Jule - 12/2015
A Shooting with Jule in December 2015

Klaudi - 12/2015
A Shoot with Klaudi (Polish Potato - Model on Facebook) at December 2015.

Sonja - 11/2015
A Shooting with Sonja (Sonja Boos on Facebook) in November 2015.

Doro - 11/2015
A Shooting with Doro (Doro G. - Model on Facebook) in November 2015

Michelle - 10/2015
A Shooting with Michelle in October 2015.

Deutsche Meister (Speedwayeinzel) Wolfslake - 09/2015
Deutsche Meisterschaft in Speedwayeinzel in Wolfslake vom 06. September 2015.

Fabi's Bike - 08/2015
Fabi's Bike, a Kawasaki ER-6n in August 2015.

Sounds & Vision Line - 2015
A Shoot in a shop - Sound & Vision Line, Berlin

Steffen's bike - 07/2015
Steffen's Bike, a Triumph Tiger 800XC in August 2015.

Loreen - 06/2015
A shoot with Loreen in June 2015

Subway - 06/2015
An advertising picture for Subway in June 2015.

Doro - 06/2015
A Shooting with Doro (Doro G. - Model on Facebook) in June 2015

Trattoria Toscana - 05/2015
A Shoot in a Restaurant - Trattoria Toscana, Potsdam - http://www.original-trattoria-toscana.de/

Olga - 04/2015
Einer der ersten TFP-Shootings in Zusammenarbeit mit Olga im April 2015.

Sube & Shalini - 03/2015
A Shoot with Sube & Shalini in March 2015.